Listen to your gut.

We’ve all had it, and i’m not only talking about hunger pains….

In talking about the flames that warm your stomach. Its clammy palms and quickened breathing. A flaming sense of intuition. It’s your body’s natural way of telling you somethings off. Whether its with the decision you have to make or with a situation or person. it’s there with anything and everything and you should never ignore it. Its a built in reader of all energy your surrounded by, and it is the most honest indicator you have in your life.

Meaning: If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you’re sure what you sense is true. For example: The first time I met this person I had a gut feeling that something was not right.

Intuition allows you to get the first warning signs when anything is off in your body, in your heart, your morals and values so that you can address it. If you have a gut feeling about your body — that something is toxic, weak or off — listen to it.

I’m learning this more and more everyday. When faced with things you don’t agree with, there is a reason you don’t agree with it. A good reason at that, listen to it. I’ve been faced with some obstacles, placed in situations where my morals and making good money have a head on collision. I’m learning to follow my gut and listen to whats important. If a decision you make keeps you up at night, makes you feel anxious, makes you sweat through your shirt. Chances are your body and intuition is trying to tell you something.

Listen to your gut my friends, It’s the direct highway to all the honesty we have in this life.


Stay True to Your Beliefs- Why I Decided to Drop Out of the 1stPhorm Athlete Search

Erin Riley, RD

I haven’t been posting as much on social media lately, and there’s a few reasons for that, but the major one is that I’m coming to realize that the message I’ve been sending out is not quite the one I’m intending to promote. Let me preface this by saying that I have no issue with 1stphorm or their contest. As a brand and as a movement they have inspired and motivated hundreds of thousands of people and I support that. My issue lies within myself. In trying to promote myself to win a contest, I’ve lost sight of what I truly believe in and what truly matters to me. In aligning my message with what I thought would win, I’ve lost sight of promoting MY true message, the one that comes from my heart.

Do I believe in hard work, of course. Do I believe in giving it your all…

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Hakuna Masquata: its means nice booty, for the rest of your days.


Can you repeat the word? May I have the definition? Its place of origin? Can you sing it in a song?

Being at work, a.k.a the gym, does yes, consume most of my days. No, I don’t mind that at all. I spend roughly 50+ hours here in a week. People joke, as I claim the bathroom counter for 40 minutes at 10:15am every morning in transition from training to work, that I live here- and I almost can’t argue.

As much as the gym is a huge part of my life. It is not me. It does not not define me, its not the only thing I value and it is not something that is a must in an individual. I make time for things that are important to me. I see my friends, I see my family, I play hockey, I train, I do things and go places. I do see outside of these walls, I promise! Not everyone will understand  commitment like this and quite frankly I’m not asking them to. Yes I spend lots of time here but if your are important to me I make time for you as well.

Whenever I start “seeing” or “talking” to someone, call them prospects if you will, one of three scenario’s always come up.

A. Prospect claims I spend “too much” time at the gym or I am obsessed. They think I am selfish and should spend more time than I already do with them. They don’t understand the lifestyle, and complain about it.

B. Prospects think that the gym is the only thing important to you so that is all they talk about. They pretend to be just as interested and it becomes annoying.

C. The gym is the ONLY thing you have in common with the prospect.

one of the above, various combinations, or all of the above = single me

News to the world: When did hobbies or common interests become more important than values??

Don’t get me wrong, if someone already shares the love for fitness and the gym that’s great. If someone shows interest in your interests that’s also great, but If the only thing you have in common is the gym or the only thing people think you like is the gym. As far as I’m concerned, you can fucking kick rocks.  I think ambition for life, a taste for good food and books, a sense of responsibility, a good heart and some conversation, someones morals and values for life and how they want to live it far surpass the attractiveness of being able to dead-lift 3 plates or be lean at all times.

Dating in this day in age is hard enough with social media and technology. People need to stop pretending and forcing things. Your heart is not a toy, stop playing with it. Wait for something real, something you don’t have to question yourself about.

To my readers: Don’t settle. Place your importance in real things. I can only hope that the person you end up with challenges you, respects your hobbies and has their own. Someone who places more importance on shared values rather than common interests.

Values will make or break a relationship, hobbies generally don’t.



Sometimes when we look we aren’t really seeing, much like when we listen we only hear or when we speak it’s without thought. It is an act we may not be conscious to, but when did people stop understanding, stop taking time to being aware? When did it become such an inconvenience to actually understand the words people speak, or to fully engage in things right in front of our fucking faces.

Not to long ago It was brought to my attention, and its funny I wasn’t even aware of it until It was slammed in my face, that I was doing just that. Someone who I cared much about called me out on it straight. They were right. I was there, but was I? I didn’t like to hear it of course, no one likes to hear bad things about themselves. But I am thankful everyday that it was pointed out to me. I make a conscious effort daily to fully engage myself in things now. To work hard, stay busy, and be fully engaged in everything I do. Not to just be a body but to be a contributor or participant. To look and see, listen and understand, to fully engage.

Its funnier now because I notice it in other people all the time, and it drives me insane! Put your phone away, appreciate your surroundings and the people in them. Stop half-assing things, use your full ass. Don’t just be there, play an active role in whatever it is your doing. Work hard and be successful.

“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”

Maybe this post is a little all over the map..

But, If I could encourage the little people in my life i.e. my nieces and nephew who I hold very dear to my heart – or anyone for that matter, to do something, it would be to put their whole selves into things. Whether its a conversation, a sport, a hobby, work, a project, food, a book – anything. Engage. Turn off your phone, close your lips, open your eyes, listen to things and appreciate everything.



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Maybe your not doing awful, but your not doing your best.

In Hockey, when the play isn’t going as planned, you can’t quite get it to go your way, it’s slips out of your zone for a breif moment, we regroup. We leave the zone completely, take a few seconds to gather ourselves, organize, exhale frustration, compose ourselves and re-enter the zone. It can happen in a matter of 6 seconds but it makes the difference. Sometimes things get scrambled, you get knocked down a bit. Your not losing, your just not doing your best. Hell, maybe even the opponent is just on their game that day. Regroup, remember the game plan, and execute.

Life, a lot like hockey, sometimes needs a regroup.

Don’t forget why you started. Know its OK to run in to obstacles, don’t let frustration derail you from your objective. Do your best and execute.


No game is perfect, and no game worth winning is won with ease.


Cheap Therapy.

So you’ve probably concluded, I work in a Gym.

Actually its more than that..

I train here, I socialize here,I learn here, I grow here, I shower here, I cook here, I eat here, hell I’ve done laundry here. I’m in this gym at least 11 hours a day 6 days a week, and when I’m not here I’m at the rink – now I’m debating why I even pay to rent a basement.

Besides that, I often find myself watching all the members come and go, but more so over the last few weeks as they hustle around here because its January. With all the resolution’s, and “New year, New me” fad’s, I often wonder what their actual motivation or intent is with this place. The obvious goals come to mind. Weight loss, weight loss, weight loss, get healthier, weight loss, build muscle, some are doing shows, some are athletes, some do it for other people, and some are just trying to avoid a major cardiac event. It’s funny, I think that most people think that’s what they are here for, but eventually, it really becomes and escape or a constant, if you will. Maybe they don’t even realize it but the gym seems to be the cheapest form of therapy going.

I know for me it is anyway. Of course we all have goals while were here, but why do people stay once they have reached they’re goals?  Maybe they’ve set new goals, maybe now its routine, but I like to believe its because for a few hours a day, or maybe even a week, you can be alone with your thoughts or be alone with no thoughts at all. Its a time where your only focused on the gym and your mind is free from work, family, chores, responsibilities, and all the other stress of daily life. You can get away from the kids, or cooking dinner, or nagging parents and partners, and just be with yourself.

The gym doesn’t wake up in the morning to tell you it doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

Call me selfish but, I think that spending time alone is perfectly healthy. In fact its a necessity. People need to know how to be alone and not be defined by other people. they need to know how to think for themselves, and occasionally do things that only benefit themselves. Spend time away from people, from their thoughts, their wishes and just be alone.


I wish I could find more appropriate words to describe how beneficial it is to have something for yourself and only yourself. A constant if you will. something that regardless of all the other factors of your life, will always be there. I’m grateful I’ve lived in the rink growing up, and now can also call the gym home. Its been my constant, my escape and just about the cheapest form of therapy I can get.

be selfish my friends,


The struggle is not real.

Whats so wrong with everyone, everything, all the time. It’s exhausting. I encourage people to be more positive, live happier, live by choice, a choice that’s only yours to make.

It never occurred to me before until the other night. I was at dinner with some close friends and it was everywhere. We were talking about daily life, nothing crazy, work, relationships, events, the usual. But there it was after every thing “the struggle is real”

Usually I just laugh at the irony, don’t think to much about it, first world problems right?

But something really bothered me about it this time, for whatever reason I’m not really sure, but listening to all my friends go on about how real “the struggle” is, it stirred up a mix of emotions in me. Perhaps I had too much Strongbow, or I’ve been reading to much lately, but I couldn’t let it slide anymore. How waking up with a roof over all of our heads, food in our fridges, gas in our cars so we can wake up and go make money to live our lives, visit places, go to the gym, eat “clean” food, oh how real the struggle is.

I understand my friends weren’t fully insinuating that their lives are bad by any means, but it just got me thinking. something. A consistent small negative comment can have an impact on a much larger scale then maybe most people realize. I’m a firm believer in the law of attraction and I think that we need to squash this ” the struggle is real” saying all together and start being more grateful for what we have.

The struggle is not real, its exactly what you let it be. If its a struggle going to work everyday, find a new job. If eating 3 egg whites and  oatmeal for breakfast is your struggle, go get yourself some Golden Graham’s  and put a smile on your face. Whatever it may be in your life, you are the only one who has the power to change it. so go change it.

Spread more good vibes and watch it come back to you, tenfold.

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Sleepy thinking.

Pre-sleep thought overdrive….

Self diagnosed of course. This is 100℅ a fictitious condition that I, and I’m sure many others, deal with on the daily.

My thoughts tonight can be summarized like this….

Sometimes you have to be strong for yourself. You have to know that you’re a good person and a good friend. What’s meant to be will end up good and what’s not – won’t. There’s only a few things worth fighting for in this life. Your values and beliefs, your rights, people you hold dear and strangers who are being mistreated. Stop fighting about things that don’t matter. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If the don’t, you just need to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you. Hold this true for everyone. Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, teammates. Hopefully, people realize great things when they come around and not lose something real. Always fight, until you can’t fight anymore and then be fought for.

Sweet dreams,

New Year, New Me.

Its an epidemic really.

A new year rolls around and suddenly everyone wants a new start, a clean start. I see it everyday. Lucky me to work in a gym, to see the thousands of people that will be coming in over the next few weeks to start a health kick. It’s almost a hate love. Hate: now I have to wait 30 mins to use a squat rack. Love: its all starting over again. I get to watch and encourage a whole new crop of people change their lives and evolve into a better version of themselves. I just hope they stick to it.

It’s funny, we’ll list things and reflect on exactly how we didn’t want the coming 12 months to be anything like the previous. But whats so wrong with 2014? Hell I’m thankful for 2014, and all the years before that. Every year, every day, every moment of your life is a learning experience. A time of growth that you don’t even realize until it’s passed.

I wish more people could take the time to be thankful for 2014, good or bad, its embedded in your bones now. It’s hardships and success, its joy and pain, its cold and warm, long and short, its adventures and lack there of. I couldn’t be happier with how 2014 has shaped me. Its been good and bad, very high and extremely low, I loved and lost, lived and learned and that’s exactly how it should be.

On that note, I’m not trying to discourage people from setting goals and changing there lives. If anything that exactly the opposite of what I’m trying to get at. I embrace change. Change is the spice of life for crying out loud. Could you imagine if nothing ever changed? We’d still be roaming the rural lands naked and on all four’s. Change is good, welcome it!

People tell me all the time “you’ve changed” or something like that. Well, I hope with everything I’ve done just that, because I don’t want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, and changing, and drowning in so much knowledge that I couldn’t possibly stay the same. I desire growth and change, because animate things change, inanimate things don’t change. Dead things don’t change. The heart should be alive. It should be changing, it should be moving, it should be growing. It should be all in, all the time, striving for more.

I guess what I’m trying to say is if there is something in your life you want to change, something your passionate about, something you believe will wholeheartedly be in your best interest, CHANGE IT! Don’t wait for the new year. Stop waiting. for anything, for people, for things you want, places you want to see, things you wants to start doing and learning. Go out and do them, grab them with both hand and embrace them. Stop waiting. Waiting becomes a habit, so live your dreams and take risks, life is happening now and its happening faster than you know it.

– thatgymgirl.

Its all your’s.

Isn’t it funny, how when things are going your way there is always someone who just wants to squash every ounce of rainbows, smiles, and cupcakes you may be feeling?

It’s almost like they’re more concerned about watching you fail, eagerly waiting for you to slip up so they can laugh, say “I told you soo..”, they’ll twittle their fingers together like the Grinch in Cindy-lou-who’s living room, and even when you don’t, they just can never be happy for you. Yet, It never seems to surprise me. Some people are subtle, while others hit you with 99 problems and we all know Jay-Z says it best…

That bitch ain’t one.

So I wanted to buy a car. I’m 21, I should be advancing myself, moving up in the world. I work hard so why not. none the less, a series of truly unfortunate events lead me to buying a small 2006 Honda, a used car through some family. Family I knew and could trust, right? Well funny enough it was almost like once some people realized that they will no longer be able to dictate my where about’s, or have a vehicle as leverage over me anyway, they went frantic and pulled that little blue Honda right out from under my butt. They decided to give the car to someone else and I decided so say, FUCK’EM. It would have been a disaster anyway, they would have never let it go that they gave me “such a deal” and “did me such a favour” I would have been forever in debt with them. They still needed to have that power over me almost.

None the less, I went out the next damn day and bought myself a 2015 Chevy Cruze, no strings attached. All by myself, and its been the best thing I could have done for myself. Of course a select few pretended like they were happy for me but actions speak louder than words.

I’ve said it once and i’ll say it a thousand times, I’ve learned a lot in the last year. The power and influence that people have over you is exactly what you let them have. For example, I am fortunate when it comes to the people i’m surrounded by. The people I work with, the people I call family, teammates, friends, educators, leaders, people who maybe don’t even realize they influence me but they do. It’s all your choice.

I’m a lucky girl, but I consider myself more lucky to have removed anything toxic from my life in some way, shape or form. I’m not telling you to banish people, I’m just saying maybe, if its something you recognize, you should alter the power they have over you. Take it back, hell its yours.

I’ve learned that the people who should have your best interest’s at heart sometimes don’t and there is almost nothing you can do about that. Those people may play a larger role than you even consciously know. Take that Power back! Be successful, be happy, radiate your successes, be proud of how far you’ve come and how far you are going to go, do things with your whole heart and do it with a smile on your face.

You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with, so surround yourself with do-er’s, with people who dream, people who have the drive to be successful, people who are proud for you and for themselves because that shit is contagious, and never forget to be brave enough to let go of people who are weighing you down.

who’s life is it anyway?

I guarantee you didn’t say theirs, because its not, its your’s. Own it. You are the only sailor of your ship, the only you, you will ever have.

and if there are two people that have taught me all about this, two people I couldn’t be happier about having in my life, it would be my best friend and her mother.

“Some people just can’t stand it when things are going great for someone other than themselves. Don’t let them take anything away from you. You deserve all the good things coming your way” – Mama McKenzie

Until next time,

Keep your stick on the Ice.